User tasks

User tasks are BPMN elements that request a user to perform a manual action in order for the workflow to progress. For information on how user tasks present themselves and how you can work with them, see Using workflows in the Collibra Platform User Guide.

A user task in the Flowable Designer has the following fields:

  • Id: The ID of a user task has to be a unique task identifier within the workflow. For statistical purposes, you can add a prefix to an ID, which is then considered to be a 'task type'. Everything before the first underscore (_) is considered the task type. In the example below, the task type of the created user task is 'correct'. In this way, you can group similar tasks together and make it possible to get statistics about each individual task type. For example, I want to know the number of open 'review' tasks.
  • Name: A good name for a user task is very important, as it gives the user an idea what the task is about. The name is also used extensively when the task is shown to the user.
  • Candidate Users: These are all the users that are asked to perform the task. If one of them performs it, the task is completed and the workflow continues. To be able to use our own role-based permission system, we created user expressions.
    These user expressions provide an easy and versatile way to define which users are allowed to execute the task.
  • Documentation: This is the description of the task. It is displayed to the user to explain what he is expected to do.