Create a new form

There are two ways to create a new form from the Workflow Designer:

  • Manually from the form tab
  • Design it in the process editor.

Create a form manually

  1. In the navigation bar, select Forms.
  2. In the top left corner of the Forms tab, click ✚ Create form.
  3. Enter the required information.
    NameThe name of the new model.
    Model key

    A technical identifier used to refer to the process on a technical level.

    Review and confirm any ramifications before updating the model key.


    The purpose of the model.


    A label for the model, to help categorize the model in your platform.

    Adding identifying tags to your model improves your search capabilities.

  4. Click Create new model.

Your newly created model appears in the model list on the Forms overview page.

Create a form from the Process editor

  1. In the navigation bar, click Process.
  2. Select an existing process design or click Create process to create a new one.
  3. Drag and drop a User task from the palette to the canvas.
  4. Select the user task on the canvas.
  5. In the Details section of the attribute bar, click Form reference to expand the properties.
  6. In the New tab, add a Name and a Key.
  7. Click Create.

Once you create a new form, you will be redirected to the editor view where you can begin to model the form.

In the process editor, select an element in the palette on the left side of the canvas and drag it into the drawing area. The element then becomes part of your form.

If you click anywhere in the drawing area, you can change certain attributes from the attribute bar, on the right side of the canvas.

  • Select a specific field to change its attributes.
  • Click the whitespace surrounding the diagram elements to modify the attributes of the entire model.

When you select one of the fields visible on the canvas you gain access to additional quick actions, such as adding a comment or making a field mandatory.