TermIntake delegate

The TermIntake delegate takes in new terms in our application. The ID of the created term will put in a workflow variable under the name outputCreatedTermId.

Field name Mandatory Description
signifier Y The signifier of the term to create.
conceptType Y The ID of the concept type.
vocabulary Y The ID of the vocabulary.
definition N The contents of the definition attribute to be created.
description N The contents of the description attribute to be created.
note N The contents of the note attribute to be created.
example N The contents of the example attribute to be created.
usesrelation N The ID of the target term that will be related using the 'uses' relation.
resultVariableName N The name of the variable that the result will be set in, if not given the result will be set in the variable named "output".

The delegate is deprecated. Replace your service task containing this delegate with a script task, for example:

<scriptTask id="scripttask1" name="Create Asset" scriptFormat="groovy" activiti:autoStoreVariables="false">
        import com.collibra.dgc.core.api.dto.instance.asset.AddAssetRequest;
        import com.collibra.dgc.core.api.dto.instance.attribute.AddAttributeRequest;
        import com.collibra.dgc.core.api.dto.instance.relation.AddRelationRequest;
        def note = execution.getVariable("note")
        def definition = execution.getVariable("definition")  
        def newAssetUuid = assetApi.addAsset(AddAssetRequest.builder()
        def addAttributeToAsset(assetUuid,attributeValue,attributeTypeUuid) {
            if (attributeValue == null){
        def addRelationsWithOneSourceAndMultipleTargetsToAsset(sourceUuid,relationTypeUuid,targetUuidList) {
            def addRelationsRequests = []
            loggerApi.info("Source: " + sourceUuid.toString())
            loggerApi.info("Type: " + relationTypeUuid.toString())
            loggerApi.info("Target: " + targetUuidList.toString())
            loggerApi.info("Target Class" + targetUuidList.getClass().toString())
            targetUuidList.each{ t ->
            loggerApi.info("T Class" + t.getClass().toString())