AddComment delegate

The AddComment delegate adds comments to the current workflow business item. It is also capable of adding comment for guest users (= users that started the workflow as guest).

Field name Mandatory Description
comment Y A string representation of the actual comment that needs to be added. The comment will be added to the current business item using the current user.
guestUserExpression N The expression evaluating to the guest user that is adding this comment. This overrides the default behavior so that this comment is not added by the current user, but by the specified guest user instead. The user expression should resolve to only one user, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
parent N If you want to add a reply to an already existing parent comment, fill in the id of the parent comment here. This does not have to be a comment of the current workflow business item.
resultVariableName N The name of the variable that the result will be set in, if not given the result will be set in the variable named "output".

The delegate is deprecated. Replace your service task containing this delegate with a script task, for example:

<scriptTask id="scripttask1" name="Store comment" scriptFormat="groovy" activiti:autoStoreVariables="false">
        import com.collibra.dgc.core.api.dto.instance.comment.AddCommentRequest
            .content("The content of the comment.")