Edit an out-of-the-box workflow

If you prefer to have an example to start from when you start designing workflows, follow these steps to import a workflow from Collibra Data Intelligence Platform in Workflow Designer.

For minor changes to an out-of-the-box workflow, see View and edit workflows.


You have the Sysadmin global role or a global role that has at least the Workflow Administration global permission.


  1. Open Collibra.
  2. Open a workflow.
  3. In the Flow tab, select and copy the XML text.
  4. Save the text as a BPMN file.
  5. Open the Workflow Designer.
  6. Create a new app if required.
  7. In the app, add a new model and select ImportProcess.
  8. Upload the BPMN file you created.

    A BPMN diagram identical to the flow view in Collibra is displayed. This means that you imported the file correctly. You can now start exploring and changing its properties.

  9. After you have edited the workflow, deploy it to Collibra.

    If you do not change the process model key, the modified workflow replaces the out-of-the-box workflow.