Edit an out-of-the-box workflow
If you prefer to have an example to start from when you start designing workflows, follow these steps to import a workflow from Collibra Data Intelligence Platform in Workflow Designer.
For minor changes to an out-of-the-box workflow, see View and edit workflows.
You have the Sysadmin global role or a global role that has at least the Workflow Administration global permission.
- Open Collibra.
- Open a workflow.
- In the Flow tab, select and copy the XML text.
- Save the text as a BPMN file.
- Open the Workflow Designer.
- Create a new app if required.
- In the app, add a new model and select Import → Process.
- Upload the BPMN file you created.
A BPMN diagram identical to the flow view in Collibra is displayed. This means that you imported the file correctly. You can now start exploring and changing its properties.
- After you have edited the workflow, deploy it to Collibra.
If you do not change the process model key, the modified workflow replaces the out-of-the-box workflow.