AddRelation delegate
The AddRelation delegate adds relation of given type between source and term. Added relation is returned with output variable.
Field name | Mandatory | Description |
sourceTermId | Y | Id of the source term of the relation. |
targetTermId | Y | Id of the target term of the relation. |
binaryFactTypeId | Y | Id of the BinaryFactType, this is the ID of the relation type. |
resultVariableName | N | The name of the variable that the result will be set in, if not given the result will be set in the variable named "output". |
The delegate is deprecated. Replace your service task containing this delegate with a script task, for example:
<scriptTask id="scripttask1" name="Add relation" scriptFormat="groovy" activiti:autoStoreVariables="false"> <script><![CDATA[ import com.collibra.dgc.core.api.dto.instance.relation.AddRelationRequest; def relation = relationApi.addRelation(AddRelationRequest.builder() .typeId(string2Uuid(givenRelationTypeId)) .sourceId( .targetId(givenTargetResourceId) .build()); execution.setVariable("output", relation) ]]></script> </scriptTask>