View and edit workflows

You can view both the XML schema and a visual representation of the workflow definition in Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud.

You must have the Sysadmin global role or a global role that has at least the Workflow Administration global permission to access this page:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Products icon, and then click Cogwheel icon Settings.
    The Collibra settings page opens.
  2. Click Workflows.
    The Workflows settings page appears on the Definitions tab page.
  3. Select a workflow.
  4. In the tab pane, click Flow.

To view large diagrams, drag the image or click to enter full screen.

The lower part of the page contains the raw workflow definition:

To export the workflow definition as BPMN and edit it, follow the procedures described in the Edit an out-of-the-box workflow section of the Workflows documentation.

If the workflow was created using the Workflow Designer, edit the workflow in the Workflow Designer and deploy the new version to your environment.

For minor updates, you can edit the XML schema directly:

  1. Click to edit the XML.
  2. Click the Save button in the lower-right part of the page to save your changes and exit edit mode.

The changes you make are not reflected in currently running instances of the workflow.