Change Groovy switch statement

If a Groovy 3 switch statement has a default branch, it must be the last branch. This means that you can no longer place the default branch in any other position except last in the list of branches.

The following does not compile under Groovy 3:

switch(yourVariable) {
    // default action
  case 'a':
    // case a action

To correct the above code, place the default branch last:

switch(yourVariable) {
  case 'a':
    // case a action
    // default action

Your code will behave exactly the same as all the branches have a break statement, so each branch is isolated and doesn’t affect other branches.

Switch fall-through

As switch fall-through occurs when branches don't have a break statement, making it possible to execute multiple branches, not only the one that matches.

Example of switch fall-through:

def result = ""
switch(yourVariable) {
    result += "default "
    // as there is no break statement, "case a" will be executed next
  case 'a':
    result += "a "
    // as there is no break statement, "case b" will be executed next
  case 'b':
    result += "b"

When yourVariable has the value 'a', the result variable will equal "a b". When yourVariable has the value 'b', the result variable will equal "b". In all other cases, the result variable will be equal “default a b”.

To make the code compile under Groovy 3, place the default branch last. However, to obtain the same results as the fall-through switch, you must also adjust the rest of the code:

Groovy 3 switch fall-through equivalent:

def result = ""
switch(yourVariable) {
  case 'a':
    result = "a b"
  case 'b':
    result = "b"
    result = "default a b"