MailSender delegate

A delegate used for sending mails from the workflow.

Field name Mandatory Description
mailTo One of the recipient fields is mandatory User expression for the users that should receive the mail.
mailToRoles One of the recipient fields is mandatory A comma separated list of roles that should receive the mail.
mailToUsers One of the recipient fields is mandatory A comma separated list of user names that should receive the mail.
template No The name of the template that should be used to generate the email.
section No The name of the section that should be used to generate the mail. The default is the process ID of the current workflow.

The delegate is deprecated. Replace your service task containing this delegate with a script task, for example:

<scriptTask id="scripttask1" name="Notify Requester" scriptFormat="groovy" activiti:autoStoreVariables="false">
        def usersIds = users.getUserIds("role(Requester)");
        if (usersIds.isEmpty()){
            loggerApi.warn("No users to send a mail to, no mail will be sent");
        } else {
             mail.sendMails(usersIds, "in-progress", null, execution);