
You use forms in user tasks and start forms to request a user to perform a manual action in order for the workflow to progress.

Workflow Designer uses JSON-based form definition structure as an output format..

The new form editor replaces the form properties that were used in the Flowable Eclipse Designer.

To navigate to the forms view page, click the Forms tab in the top navigation bar.

Page overview

The landing page displays a list of the existing forms ordered by modification date.

From the forms view you can:

  • See all of your existing forms.
  • Go to a form editor by selecting one of the existing forms.
  • Create a new form.
  • Import a form.
  • Search by name and tag.
  • Change the pagination and sorting.
  • Change the display of forms to either a list or tiles.
  • Go to the form delivery view page by hovering over a process tile and clicking the magnifier icon.

For more details please refer to the Models section.