Collibra Connect Compatibility

The table summarizers the compatibility of the different Collibra Connector versions with the Mule ESB server, the Collibra Data Governance Center and the Import API.

  Mule ESB server 3 Mule ESB server 4
Collibra DGC 5.7 M3 1.0 (API v2) M4 1.0 (API v2)
Collibra DGC 5.6, 5.7 1.6 (API v2) 2.0 (API v2)
Collibra DGC 5.4, 5.5 1.5 (for API v2), 1.4 (for API v1) 2.0 (API v2)
Collibra DGC 5 - 5.4 1.4 (API v1) N/A

Important upgrade note

Starting with Collibra Data Governance Center 5.7, the API v2 supports ISO 8601 dates in UTC at midnight for date attributes, in addition to timestamp in milliseconds.




Directionality correction for upsert operations

When you upgrade from Collibra Connector 1.4 to 1.5 or higher, including 1.6 or 2, modify your templates taking into account the directionality fix that is included in the new Connector versions.

Before the Connector 1.5 and 2 releases, there was an error in the Datasense and mapping logic for upsert operations. This caused the directionality of relations to appear reversed in Dataweave and in the application code, despite sending the correct directionality to the API v1.

The relation field on a table pointing to the parent schema appears in Dataweave or Datasense as 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000007043:TARGET, but the actual value sent to the Collibra Data Governance Center is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000007043:SOURCE.

Starting with versions 1.5 and 2.0, for API v2, the Connector reflects the actual directionality. Previous Connect templates containing directionality will not function as intended and need to be modified.

Update old templates

If your templates designed for Connector 1.4 and lower contain directionality, you must modify them before upgrading:

  • Replace TARGET fields with SOURCE.
  • Replace SOURCE fields with TARGET.

You can do this in Anypoint Studio, plain text editor, or with an automated script:

  1. Find all the XML files in each project, usually in src/main/app.
  2. Replace TARGET with TEMP.
  3. Replace SOURCE with TARGET.
  4. Replace TEMP with SOURCE.

Repackage and redeploy your applications after the Connect upgrade.