Configuring Collibra Connect to connect to a proxied Collibra DGC

If you are using a proxy server to connect to Collibra Data Governance Center, you have to define this in the gateway configuration of the Collibra DGC Connector.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the gateway configuration (Package Explorer pane → gateway src/main/appgateway.xml).
  2. In the Connections Explorer pane, expand gateway and double-click CollibraDGC to open the properties.
  3. On the Advanced Settings tab, you can define the proxy settings:

    You have to provide proxy settings for every integration template in the Collibra domain that needs the proxy. This is due to the fact that the configuration of the Collibra DGC Connector is not shared across all templates in the domain, but set separately for each project.

To simplify setting and changing the proxy in the future, you can use property placeholders in each configuration. You can provide values for the property placeholders similarly to how it is done for dgc.config.baseApplicationUrl or dgc.config.user in running integrations (see Running integrations in Collibra Connect), or you can follow the steps described in Mule's Configuring properties.