Collibra CLI release notes:


  • The "workflow-analyze" ad "workflow-instance-analyze" commands now check for workflows beans usage.


  • You can now analyze running workflow instances to check compatibility with the next generation platform.
  • You can now cancel in bulk running workflow instances that are not compatible with the next generation platform.
  • The workflow definition analysis has been improved to find usage of private APIs and libraries.


  • The workflow definition now highlights the use of private libraries.
  • The feign-client dependencies now support file uploads.


  • The "workflow-analyze" command no longer shows incorrect API v2 alternatives.
  • You can now generate a Java REST client for the Collibra Core API.


  • Generate a workflow project with a template and all the dependencies set up.
  • Upload your workflows to your environment.
  • Analyze the usage of API v1 in your workflows and generate a report to help you migrate to API v2