Create data with Collibra REST API

In this tutorial you create a community, a domain, some assets and definitions in Collibra Data Intelligence Platform using the Collibra REST API.

curl -X POST \
  https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/communities \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"name": "Finance",
	"description": "The part of the organization that manages its money."

You start by signing in and creating a root community. You create a domain within the community and add an asset and a definition for that asset. You then learn to perform bulk operations, creating multiple sub-communities and domains.

The goal is to have a structure such as the one below in your Collibra Data Intelligence Platform:


  • Access to Collibra.
  • Postman or an alternative HTTP API client.

    Some references might be specific to the Postman application.

For more information on how to install Postman and authenticate, see the Collibra REST API authentication tutorial.

The API documentation

The API references are part of your Collibra Platform environment. You need to be logged in to access them.

To access the API documentation:

User access API documentation
Sysadmin role

In the top-right corner of any Collibra page, click and select API documentation.

All roles In a browser, go to https://<your_collibra_url>/docs/index.html.


Use a JSON Web Token or basic authentication for your API calls. For basic authentication, include a header key Authorization with the value Basic <Base64_encoded_values>, where the encoded values are <username>:<password>.

curl -H 'Authorization: Basic QWRtaW46YWRtaW4='

Create a community

In this section, you create a root community named Finance and give it a meaningful description. A root community in one that does not have a parent community.

curl -X POST \
  https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/communities \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"name": "Finance",
	"description": "The part of the organization that manages its money."

To create a community, use the POST method and the /communities endpoint of the Communities resource.

POST https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/communities

To successfully create a root community, you must provide the community name in a JSON body. It is not mandatory, but good practice to have meaningful descriptions for the Collibra Data Intelligence Platform resources you create.

The parameters used to create the root community are:

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
description No String Describes the community.
name Yes String Sets the name of the community. Must be unique.

The response contains information about the newly created community, including the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which you use in the next steps to identify the Finance community.

Create a domain

Domains are logical groupings of assets. They belong to communities and have different domain types. In this section, you create a Glossary domain named Finance Gloassary, which belongs to the Finance community.

curl -X POST \
  https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/domains \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"name": "Finance Glossary",
	"description": "A collection of finance related assets.",
	"communityId": "<Finance_community_id>",
	"typeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000010001"

To create a domain, use the POST method and the /domains endpoint of the Domains resource.

POST https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/domains

To successfully create a domain, you must provide the domain name, the domain type ID and the community ID the domain belongs to.

For the Finance Glossary domain, use the community ID that you received after creating the Finance community and 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000010001 as the typeId. This is the packaged UUID of the Glossary domain type.

The parameters used to create the domain are:

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
communityId Yes UUID Sets the community the domain belongs to. The community must exist.
description No String Describes the domain.
name Yes String Sets the name of the domain. Must be unique within the same community.
typeId Yes UUID Sets the domain type.

The response contains information about the newly created domain, including the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which you use in the next steps to identify the Finance Glossary domain.

Create an asset

Now that you have created a glossary, you can start adding assets to it. In this section you add a business term in the Finance Glossary domain.

curl -X POST \
  https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/assets \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"name": "Customer Lifetime Value",
	"typeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000011001",
	"domainId": "<Finance_Glossary_domain_id>"

To create an asset, use the POST method and the /assets endpoint of the Assets resource.

POST https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/assets

To successfully create an asset, you must provide the asset name, the asset type ID and the domain ID the asset belongs to.

For the Customer Lifetime Value asset, use the domain ID that you received after creating the Finance Glossary domain and 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000011001 as the typeId. This is the packaged UUID of the Business Term asset type.

The parameters used to create the asset are:

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
domainId Yes UUID Sets the domain the asset belongs to. The domain must exist.
name Yes String Sets the name of the asset. Must be unique within the same domain.
typeId Yes UUID Sets the asset type.

The response contains information about the newly created asset, including the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which you will use in the next steps to identify the Customer Lifetime Value asset.

Create a definition

The definition of an asset is just one of its attributes. In this section you add a definition to the Customer Lifetime Value asset.

curl -X POST \
  https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/attributes \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"assetId": "<Customer_Lifetime_Value_asset_id>",
	"typeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000202",
	"value": "The monetary value of a customer relationship."

To create a definition, use the POST method and the /attributes endpoint of the Attributes resource.

POST https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/attributes

To successfully create a definition, you must provide the definition, the attribute type ID, and the asset ID the definition is for.

For the Customer Lifetime Value definition, use the asset ID that you received after creating the Customer Lifetime Value asset and 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000202 as the typeId. This is the packaged UUID of the Definition attribute type.

The parameters used to create the definition are:

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
assetyId Yes UUID Identifies the asset that the attribute belongs to. The asset must exist.
typeId Yes UUID Sets the attribute type.
value Yes Object Sets the value of the attribute. The expected type for a definition is string.

The response contains information about the newly created definition.

Create multiple resources

To create multiple resources with a single call, use the POST method and the /bulk endpoint of the resource you need to create. Provide the required parameters in a JSON array.

Let's add the missing pieces to the Finance community by creating a series of sub-communities and a couple of domains.

To create the Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Forecasting and Payroll sub-communities, you must provide their names and the ID of the parent community. You know the ID of the parent community from the response you received after creating the Finance community.

curl -X POST \
  https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/communities/bulk \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '[
		"name": "Accounting",
		"parentId": "<Finance_community_id>"
		"name": "Accounts Payable",
		"parentId": "<Finance_community_id>"
		"name": "Accounts Receivable",
		"parentId": "<Finance_community_id>"
		"name": "Forecasting",
		"parentId": "<Finance_community_id>"
		"name": "Payroll",
		"parentId": "<Finance_community_id>"

The response contains information about the newly created communities, including the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for each of them.

To create the Accounting Policies and Forecasting Policies domains, you must provide their names, the community IDs the domains belong to and the domain type IDs. Use the community IDs that you received after creating the sub-communities and 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000030013 as the typeId. This is the packaged UUID of the Policy domain type.

curl -X POST \
  https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/domains/bulk \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '[
		"name": "Accounting Policies",
		"typeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000030013",
		"communityId": "<Accounting_community_id>"
		"name": "Forecasting Policies",
		"typeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000030013",
		"communityId": "<Forecasting_community_id>"

The response contains information about the newly created domains.

Response codes

Common response codes when creating resources are:

Code Meaning
201 The resource has been created.
400 Bad request. The body of the response contains details about the error.
401 The current user is not authenticated.


By following this tutorial you have used the Collibra REST API to:

  • Create a root community with a meaningful description.
  • Add sub-communities to a root community.
  • Create domains within communities.
  • Add assets to domains.
  • Add definitions to assets.
  • Get the UUID of newly created Collibra resources from the response of an API call.

Next steps

The next tutorial guides you through an example of how to retrieve data from Collibra Data Intelligence Platform and add an asset via the Collibra REST API.

Additional resources

  • Consult the REST API documentation provided with your version of Collibra Data Intelligence Platform.
  • Read the Collibra Administration Guide API documentation.