Update multiple attributes with the REST API

Use the PATCH method of the /attributes/bulk endpoint of the Collibra Core REST API to update multiple attributes.

curl -X PATCH 'https://<your_collibra_url>/rest/2.0/attributes/bulk' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[
        "id": "a30b2eee-76ba-48ec-818d-70038dcaaa15",
        "value": "Team Lead developer"
        "id": "0e06f395-337f-427a-b708-f73867cec3b7",
        "value": ["English", "French"]

You must provide two parameters in JSON format:

  • id: the universally unique identifier (UUID) of the attribute that you want to modify.
  • value: the new value of the attribute.

In this example, two employees have updates that need to be reflected in Collibra Platform:

  • Colette Davis has had a promotion and the Job Title attribute needs to be updated to Team Lead developer.
  • John Fisher's profile is not reflecting his knowledge of French and the Languages attribute needs to be updated to English and French.


  • Retrieve the IDs of the assets that contain the attributes:
    curl -X GET 'https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/assets?name=Colette%20Davis'

  • Retrieve the IDs of the attributes for each of the assets that need to be updated:
    curl -X GET 'https://<your_dgc_environment_url>/rest/2.0/assets?assetId=196523f3-59cc-465b-b9a7-0fcf8dcd5578'

  • Use the IDs of the attributes and provide new values for each of them:
    curl -X PATCH 'https://<your_collibra_url>/rest/2.0/attributes/bulk' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '[
            "id": "a30b2eee-76ba-48ec-818d-70038dcaaa15",
            "value": "Team Lead developer"
            "id": "0e06f395-337f-427a-b708-f73867cec3b7",
            "value": ["English", "French"]

    Use an array as the value for Multiple Selection attributes.