Getting started

The format of the query language is either JSON or YAML. For simplicity, this example starts with a basic query and builds from there.

Select the Id and Name for all communities as a flat list. The object representing the query is called ViewConfig, as it defines a particular view, which is a selection of the data. The object containing the graph part of the query is called Resources.

The following example shows the Community entity along with its Id and Name properties.

  "ViewConfig": {
    "Resources": {
      "Community": {
        "name": "Communities",                   <---\
        "Id": { "name": "community id" },             ---- a node can (or must) have a name. Thus the community own 'name' property must be uppercased to avoid conflicts.
        "Name": { "name": "community name" }     <---/
      name: "Communities"           <---\   
      Id:                                ---- a node can (or must) have a name. Thus the community own 'name' property must be uppercased to avoid
        name: "community id"
      Name:                         <---/
        name: "community name"
  • Entity and property keys are case insensitive, so Community and Id can be written in any case.
  • The other keys are case sensitive. For example, ViewConfig, Resources or Name must be written as shown.
  • If a property is spelled out the same way as a reserved keyword, you must use a different casing than the reserved key. For example, you use lowercase name as the node name and capitalized Name as the community name.

Test the API

To test the API, use a REST client, such as the Postman plugin for Chrome. Many output formats are available, but the JSON tree is the format that most resembles the query.

This example uses the following endpoint on the OutputView resource:

  • {{domain}}/rest/2.0/outputModule/export/json

Use a POST call with the following body.

  "ViewConfig": {
    "Resources": {
      "Community": {
        "Id": {
          "name": "community id"
        "Name": {
          "name": "community name"
        name: "community id"
        name: "community name"

Remember to set the content type header.

'Content-Type': 'application/json'
'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'

The output is formatted as an array of communities.

  "view": {
    "Community0": [
        "communityId": "c87f166e-041f-4bea-8ff7-c1ffbab2ceeb",
        "communityName": "First Community"
        "communityId": "86a745f5-7e87-4851-a107-a3a272ccea0b",
        "communityName": "Second Community"

You can use the ViewConfig queries with the following endpoints:

  • {{domain}}/rest/2.0/outputModule/export/{{xml | json}}
  • {{domain}}/rest/2.0/outputModule/export/{{xml | json}}-file
  • {{domain}}/rest/2.0/outputModule/export/{{xml | json}}-job