In the context of a graph query, the EXISTS filter tests the existence of a relationship with another entity. This is the only filter that is explicitly limited to filtering on an entity located directly under the filtered node. To specify which relation should exist/not exist, the filter has a target key.

You can also pass a parameter to the EXISTS filter. This parameter is used as a secondary filtering element. To query the assets with an attribute of type Description,  use the EXISTS filter on the asset with target value Attribute and also the Id of the Description type in the value key of the filter.

The table below lists the possible target values and the expected value type for optional parameters.

Filtered Entity Target value Optional Parameter Description
Community, Domain, Asset


Role Id Filter resources related/not related to a responsibility. Optionally, only responsibilities related to the Role Id.
Asset Relation RelationType Id Filter assets that are/are not the source or target of a relation. Optionally, only relations related to the RelationType Id.
Asset RelationSource RelationType Id Filter assets that are/are not the "source " of a relation. Optionally, only relations related to the RelationType Id.
Asset RelationTarget RelationType Id Filter assets that are/are not " target" of a relation. Optionally, only relations related to the RelationType Id.
Asset Attribute AttributeType Id Filter assets that have/do not have an attribute. Optionally, only attributes related to the AttributeType Id.
Asset StringAttribute AttributeType Id Filter assets that have/do not have a StringAttribute. Optionally, only StringAttributes related to the AttributeType Id.
Asset SingleValueListAttribute AttributeType Id Filter assets that have/do not have a SingleValueListAttribute. Optionally, only SingleValueListAttributes related to the AttributeType Id.
Asset MultiValueListAttribute AttributeType Id Filter assets that have/do not have a MultiValueListAttribute. Optionally, only MultiValueListAttribute related to the AttributeType Id.
Asset BooleanAttribute AttributeType Id Filter assets that have/do not have a BooleanAttribute. Optionally, only BooleanAttributes related to the AttributeType Id.
Asset NumericAttribute AttributeType Id Filter assets that have/do not have a NumericAttribute. Optionally, NumericAttributes related to the AttributeType Id.
Asset DateTimeAttribute AttributeType Id Filter assets that have/do not have a DateTimeAttribute. Optionally, only DateTimeAttributes related to the AttributeType Id.

The EXISTS/NOT_EXISTS filters are exclusively for communities, domains and assets.