How to add Collibra API support to Eclipse IDE

  1. Download the Collibra Java API library version 2:
    1. Go to the Collibra Community Downloads page.
    2. Select your Collibra Data Intelligence Platform version.
    3. Download the dgc-core-<version>-apiv2.jar file.
  2. In Eclipse, create a new folder inside your project:
    1. In the Flowable Explorer tab, right-click your project name.
    2. Select NewFolder.
    3. In the New Folder window, enter a name for the folder and click Finish. We are using lib in this example.

  3. Move the downloaded JAR file to the new folder.

    Refresh the folder if you can't see the file you just added.

  4. In the Flowable Explorer tab, right-click your project name and select PropertiesJava Build PathLibraries.
  5. In the Libraries tab of the Java Build Path section, click Add JARs....

  6. In the JAR Selection window, select the Java API library version 2 JAR file and click OK.

  7. In the Properties window, click Apply and Close.