Create a workflow project

With Collibra Command Line Interface, you can create a workflow project with a single command.

workflow-create --groupId com.collibra.myProject --projectName My_project

The fully configured project contains:

  • An example of a hello world BPMN.
  • An example of a script task printing hello world in the logs.
  • The Collibra API dependencies.
  • A set of Gradle tasks for uploading your workflow from the CLI, Eclipse or your terminal to your Collibra Platform.






Create a Collibra workflow project.
  • --groupId or -g string

    The Gradle project group.

  • --projectName or -n

    The Gradle project name.

  • --targetVersion or -v string

    The targeted Collibra platform version number.

    This is an optional parameter. By default, the version of the configured Collibra environment is used. If not set, version 5.7 is used.

The project is generated in the folder you have started the CLI.

The project folder contains:

  • build.gradle
  • gradlew
  • gradle/
  • gradlew.bat
  • src/
  • settings.gradle

The source folder (src/) contains a Java folder with an example of a groovy script and a resource folder with an example of a BPMN file.

Use the reverse URL of your company and add the project name as a suffix for the Gradle project group. For example: com.collibra.myProject.

The Gradle project name becomes the name of the generated BPMN file.

Spaces are not allowed in the Gradle project name.

You cannot create a workflow project for Eclipse using the workflow-create command when the Collibra version setup or the target version are other than 5.6 or 5.7.

As a workaround, you can do either of the following:

  • Set the targetVersion parameter of the workflow-create command to 5.7 or 5.6, for example workflow-create --groupId com.collibra.myProject --projectName My_project --targetVersion 5.7.
  • Connect to a Collibra environment with version 5.6 or 5.7 using the collibra-set command.

Import the project in Eclipse

You can import the generated project in Eclipse IDE as a Gradle project:

  1. In Eclipse, go to Fileimport.
  2. Select Gradle/Existing Gradle Project.
  3. For the Project root directory, select the created folder.
  4. Click Finish and wait for Eclipse to import and resolve all the dependencies.

Example of a project imported in Eclipse: