Interface Role

All Superinterfaces:
Entity, NamedDescribedResource, NamedResource, Resource, Serializable

public interface Role extends NamedDescribedResource
Represents a role

A role is a grouping of rights and responsibilities (permissions) that is assigned to individual users or user groups. Collibra DGC distinguishes between global roles and resource roles.

  • Method Details

    • getPermissions

      List<Permission> getPermissions()
      Gets the list of permissions this role will provide to the user.
      the permissions
    • isGlobal

      boolean isGlobal()
      Checks if this role is global or a resource role.

      A global role can be assigned to users and user groups and applies to all parts of Collibra DGC. A resource role can be assigned to one or more resources (assets, domains or communities) and only applies to that resource.

      true if this role is global. False if this is a resource role
    • isDisabled

      boolean isDisabled()
      Whether the role is disabled.
      true if this role is disabled. False if this role is enabled.