Serialized Form

  • Package com.collibra.dgc.importer.api.model

  • Package com.collibra.dgc.importer.api.request

    • Class BaseImportRequest

      class BaseImportRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • batchSize
          int batchSize
          The size of the batch. The default value is 1000.
        • requestSource
          String requestSource
        • saveResult
          boolean saveResult
          This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
          Whether the result of the import should be persisted.. The default value is false.

          If true, the result of the import simulation will be available at the end of the job but no change will be applied to the DGC.

        • sendNotification
          boolean sendNotification
          Whether job status notification should be sent. The default value is false.
        • simulation
          boolean simulation
          Whether the import should be triggered as a simulation. The default value is false.

          If true, the result of the import simulation will be available at the end of the job but no change will be applied to the DGC.

    • Class FileImportRequest

      class FileImportRequest extends BaseImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • continueOnError
          boolean continueOnError
          Whether the import should continue if some of the import commands are invalid or failed to execute. The default value is false.

          If true, the valid commands are still committed to the database, which can lead to partial results being stored.

        • deleteFile
          boolean deleteFile
          Delete the file from the Collibra Platform if the import / synchronization job is successful. The default value is false.

          NOTE: if the file corresponds to an attachment, the attachment will be deleted.

        • file
          File file
          The file to upload. If set, then also FileImportRequest.fileName should be provided.

          NOTE: if this field is used, FileImportRequest.fileId should not be set.

        • fileId
          UUID fileId
          The id of uploaded file.

          NOTE: if this field is used, FileImportRequest.file should not be set.

        • fileName
          String fileName
          The name of the file to upload. If set, then also FileImportRequest.file should be provided.

          NOTE: if this field is used, FileImportRequest.fileId should not be set.

    • Class FileSynchronizationRequest

      class FileSynchronizationRequest extends BaseImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • continueOnError
          boolean continueOnError
          Whether the import should continue if some of the import commands are invalid or failed to execute. The default value is false.

          If true, the valid commands are still committed to the database, which can lead to partial results being stored.

        • deleteFile
          boolean deleteFile
          Whether the file should be deleted after the synchronization job is finished, regardless of the result. The default value is false.

          NOTE: if the file corresponds to an attachment, the attachment will be deleted. When import operation fails then file will not be deleted.

        • file
          File file
          The file to upload. If set, then also FileSynchronizationRequest.fileName should be provided.

          NOTE: if this field is used, FileSynchronizationRequest.fileId should not be set.

        • fileId
          UUID fileId
          The id of uploaded file.

          NOTE: if this field is used, FileSynchronizationRequest.file should not be set.

        • fileName
          String fileName
          The name of the file to upload. If set, then also FileSynchronizationRequest.file should be provided.

          NOTE: if this field is used, FileSynchronizationRequest.fileId should not be set.

        • synchronizationId
          @Size(min=1,max=50) @NotNull String synchronizationId
          The synchronization id used to distinguish different synchronizations.
    • Class FindSynchronizationRequest

      class FindSynchronizationRequest extends PagedRequest implements Serializable
    • Class FullSynchronizationRequest

      class FullSynchronizationRequest extends FileSynchronizationRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • finalizationStrategy
          @Pattern(regexp="REMOVE_RESOURCES|CHANGE_STATUS|IGNORE") String finalizationStrategy
          The synchronization finalization strategy used in the clean up action. This determines whether to remove, ignore or change the status of assets that no longer exist in the external system. Possible values are `REMOVE_RESOURCES`, `CHANGE_STATUS` and `IGNORE`. When you select `CHANGE_STATUS` you must also provide a value for `missingAssetStatusId`.
        • missingAssetStatusId
          UUID missingAssetStatusId
          If finalizationStrategy is set to `CHANGE_STATUS` then this parameter determines the new status ID for assets that no longer exist in the external system.
    • Class ImportCsvInJobRequest

      class ImportCsvInJobRequest extends FileImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • escape
          @NotNull Character escape
          The delimiter character used to escape separator or quote character. The default value is '\\'.
        • headerRow
          boolean headerRow
          Whether the first row of the imported CSV file is the header. The default value is false.
        • ignoreLeadingWhitespace
          boolean ignoreLeadingWhitespace
          Whether whitespace characters before quotes should be ignored. The default value is false.
        • quote
          @NotNull Character quote
          The delimiter character used for quoted entries. The default value is '"'.
        • separator
          @NotNull Character separator
          The delimiter character used to separate entries. The default value is ';'.
        • strictQuotes
          boolean strictQuotes
          Whether the characters outside quotes should be ignored. The default value is false.
        • template
          @NotBlank String template
          The template that should be used for parsing and importing the contents of the CSV file.

          There is one placeholder currently supported:

          • ${x} - refers to the x-th column in the CSV file, e.g. ${1}, ${2}, ...)

          Example of a correct JSON template:

               "identifier": {
                 "name": "${1}",
                 "domain": {
                   "name": "${2}",
                   "community": {
                     "name": "Some Community"
               "attributes" : {
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000003115" : [ {
                    "value" : "${3}"
                  } ],
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000222" : [ {
                    "value" : "${4}"
                  } ]
               "resourceType": "Asset"
    • Class ImportExcelInJobRequest

      class ImportExcelInJobRequest extends FileImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • headerRow
          boolean headerRow
          Whether the first row of the imported Excel sheet is the header. The default value is false.
        • sheetIndex
          Integer sheetIndex
          The index of the Excel sheet.

          If the index is null and ImportExcelInJobRequest.sheetName is null, the first sheet of the workbook will be used for the import.

          If the index is null and ImportExcelInJobRequest.sheetName is not null, the sheet with the name specified by value of ImportExcelInJobRequest.sheetName will be used for the import.

        • sheetName
          String sheetName
          The name of the Excel sheet.

          If the name is null and ImportExcelInJobRequest.sheetIndex is null, the first sheet of the workbook will be used for the import.

          If the name is null and ImportExcelInJobRequest.sheetIndex is not null, the sheet with the index specified by value of ImportExcelInJobRequest.sheetIndex will be used for the import.

        • template
          @NotBlank String template
          The template that should be used for parsing and importing the contents of the Excel file.

          There is one placeholder currently supported:

          • ${x} - refers to the x-th column in the Excel file, e.g. ${1}, ${2}, ...)

          Example of a correct JSON template:

               "identifier": {
                 "name": "${1}",
                 "domain": {
                   "name": "${2}",
                   "community": {
                     "name": "Some Community"
               "attributes" : {
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000003115" : [ {
                    "value" : "${3}"
                  } ],
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000222" : [ {
                    "value" : "${4}"
                  } ]
               "resourceType": "Asset"
    • Class ImportJsonInJobRequest

      class ImportJsonInJobRequest extends FileImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • relationsAction
          @Pattern(regexp="ADD_OR_IGNORE|REPLACE") String relationsAction
          To replace and add/update existing relation during refresh. Possible values are: 'ADD_OR_IGNORE' and 'REPLACE'.
    • Class SynchronizationBatchCsvInJobRequest

      class SynchronizationBatchCsvInJobRequest extends FileSynchronizationRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • escape
          @NotNull Character escape
          The delimiter character used to escape separator or quote character. The default value is '\\'.
        • headerRow
          boolean headerRow
          Whether the first row of the synchronized CSV file is the header. The default value is false.
        • ignoreLeadingWhitespace
          boolean ignoreLeadingWhitespace
          Whether whitespace characters before quotes should be ignored. The default value is false.
        • quote
          @NotNull Character quote
          The delimiter character used for quoted entries. The default value is '"'.
        • separator
          @NotNull Character separator
          The delimiter character used to separate entries. The default value is ';'.
        • strictQuotes
          boolean strictQuotes
          Whether the characters outside quotes should be ignored. The default value is false.
        • template
          @NotBlank String template
          The template that should be used for parsing and synchronizing the contents of the CSV file.

          There is one placeholder currently supported:

          • ${x} - refers to the x-th column in the CSV file, e.g. ${1}, ${2}, ...)

          Example of a correct JSON template:

               "identifier": {
                 "name": "${1}",
                 "domain": {
                   "name": "${2}",
                   "community": {
                     "name": "Some Community"
               "attributes" : {
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000003115" : [ {
                    "value" : "${3}"
                  } ],
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000222" : [ {
                    "value" : "${4}"
                  } ]
               "resourceType": "Asset"
    • Class SynchronizationBatchExcelInJobRequest

      class SynchronizationBatchExcelInJobRequest extends FileSynchronizationRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • headerRow
          boolean headerRow
          Whether the first row of the synchronized Excel file is the header. The default value is false.
        • sheetIndex
          Integer sheetIndex
          The index of the Excel sheet.

          If the index is null and SynchronizationBatchExcelInJobRequest.sheetName is null, the first sheet of the workbook will be used for the synchronization.

          If the index is null and SynchronizationBatchExcelInJobRequest.sheetName is not null, the sheet with the name specified by value of SynchronizationBatchExcelInJobRequest.sheetName will be used for the synchronization.

        • sheetName
          String sheetName
          The name of the Excel sheet.

          If the name is null and SynchronizationBatchExcelInJobRequest.sheetIndex is null, the first sheet of the workbook will be used for the synchronization.

          If the name is null and SynchronizationBatchExcelInJobRequest.sheetIndex is not null, the sheet with the index specified by value of SynchronizationBatchExcelInJobRequest.sheetIndex will be used for the synchronization.

        • template
          @NotBlank String template
          The template that should be used for parsing and synchronizing the contents of the Excel file.

          There is one placeholder currently supported:

          • ${x} - refers to the x-th column in the Excel file, e.g. ${1}, ${2}, ...)

          Example of a correct JSON template:

               "identifier": {
                 "name": "${1}",
                 "domain": {
                   "name": "${2}",
                   "community": {
                     "name": "Some Community"
               "attributes" : {
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000003115" : [ {
                    "value" : "${3}"
                  } ],
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000222" : [ {
                    "value" : "${4}"
                  } ]
               "resourceType": "Asset"
    • Class SynchronizationBatchJsonInJobRequest

      class SynchronizationBatchJsonInJobRequest extends FileSynchronizationRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • relationsAction
          @Pattern(regexp="ADD_OR_IGNORE|REPLACE") String relationsAction
          To replace and add/update existing relation during refresh. Possible values are: 'ADD_OR_IGNORE' and 'REPLACE'.
    • Class SynchronizationCsvInJobRequest

      class SynchronizationCsvInJobRequest extends FullSynchronizationRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • escape
          @NotNull Character escape
          The delimiter character used to escape separator or quote character. The default value is '\\'.
        • finalizationParameters
          Map<SynchronizationJsonInJobRequest.SynchronizationJsonInJobRequestBuilder.CustomFinalizationParameter,String> finalizationParameters
        • headerRow
          boolean headerRow
          Whether the first row of the synchronized CSV file is the header. The default value is false.
        • ignoreLeadingWhitespace
          boolean ignoreLeadingWhitespace
          Whether whitespace characters before quotes should be ignored. The default value is false.
        • quote
          @NotNull Character quote
          The delimiter character used for quoted entries. The default value is '"'.
        • separator
          @NotNull Character separator
          The delimiter character used to separate entries. The default value is ';'.
        • strictQuotes
          boolean strictQuotes
          Whether the characters outside quotes should be ignored. The default value is false.
        • template
          @NotBlank String template
          The template that should be used for parsing and synchronizing the contents of the CSV file.

          There is one placeholder currently supported:

          • ${x} - refers to the x-th column in the CSV file, e.g. ${1}, ${2}, ...)

          Example of a correct JSON template:

               "identifier": {
                 "name": "${1}",
                 "domain": {
                   "name": "${2}",
                   "community": {
                     "name": "Some Community"
               "attributes" : {
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000003115" : [ {
                    "value" : "${3}"
                  } ],
                  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000222" : [ {
                    "value" : "${4}"
                  } ]
               "resourceType": "Asset"
    • Class SynchronizationExcelInJobRequest

      class SynchronizationExcelInJobRequest extends FullSynchronizationRequest implements Serializable
    • Class SynchronizationFinalizationRequest

      class SynchronizationFinalizationRequest extends BaseImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • finalizationParameters
          Map<SynchronizationFinalizationRequest.SynchronizationFinalizationRequestBuilder.CustomFinalizationParameter,String> finalizationParameters
          This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please, use missingAssetStatusId.
        • finalizationStrategy
          @Pattern(regexp="REMOVE_RESOURCES|CHANGE_STATUS|IGNORE") String finalizationStrategy
          The synchronization finalization strategy used in the clean up action. This determines whether to remove, ignore or change the status of assets that no longer exist in the external system. Possible values are `REMOVE_RESOURCES`, `CHANGE_STATUS` and `IGNORE`. When you select `CHANGE_STATUS` you must also provide a value for `missingAssetStatusId`.
        • missingAssetStatusId
          UUID missingAssetStatusId
          If finalizationStrategy is set to `CHANGE_STATUS` then this parameter determines the new status ID for assets that no longer exist in the external system.
        • synchronizationId
          @Size(min=1,max=50) @NotNull String synchronizationId
          The synchronization ID used to distinguish different synchronizations.
    • Class SynchronizationJsonInJobRequest

      class SynchronizationJsonInJobRequest extends FullSynchronizationRequest implements Serializable
  • Package com.collibra.dgc.importer.core.api.model

  • Package com.collibra.dgc.importer.core.api.request

    • Class BaseImportRequest

      class BaseImportRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • batchSize
          int batchSize
          The size of the batch.
        • sendNotification
          boolean sendNotification
          Whether job status notification should be sent.
    • Class FileImportRequest

      class FileImportRequest extends BaseImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • file
          File file
          The file containing import request. If set then also FileImportRequest.fileName should be provided.

          NOTE: if this field is used, FileImportRequest.fileId should not be set

        • fileId
          UUID fileId
          The id of the file containing import request.

          NOTE: if this field is used, FileImportRequest.file should not be set

        • fileName
          String fileName
          The name of the file used for import.
    • Class FindSynchronizationRequest

      class FindSynchronizationRequest extends PagedRequest implements Serializable
    • Class SynchronizationBatchRequest

      class SynchronizationBatchRequest extends FileImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • synchronizationId
          @Size(min=1,max=50) @NotNull String synchronizationId
          The synchronization id used to distinguish different synchronizations.
    • Class SynchronizationFinalizationRequest

      class SynchronizationFinalizationRequest extends BaseImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • synchronizationId
          @Size(min=1,max=50) @NotNull String synchronizationId
          The synchronization id used to distinguish different synchronizations.
    • Class SynchronizationRequest

      class SynchronizationRequest extends FileImportRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • synchronizationId
          @Size(min=1,max=50) @NotNull String synchronizationId
          The synchronization id used to distinguish different synchronizations.