Interface SynchronizationAdministrationApi

public interface SynchronizationAdministrationApi
API for maintaining command's synchronization hashes.
  • Method Details

    • findSynchronizationIds

      PagedResponse<SynchronizationInfo> findSynchronizationIds(FindSynchronizationRequest request)
      Returns synchronization information matching the given search criteria. Only parameters that are specified in this request and have not null values are used for filtering. All other parameters are ignored. The returned synchronization information satisfies all constraints that are specified in this search criteria. By default, a result containing 1000 synchronization infos is returned.
      request - the search criteria
      the found synchronization information
    • exists

      boolean exists(String synchronizationId)
      Checks whether given synchronization id already exists.
      synchronizationId - the synchronization id to check
      true if synchronization id already exists, false otherwise
    • removeSynchronization

      void removeSynchronization(String synchronizationId)
      Removes all information about synchronization process corresponding to provided synchronization id.

      This stops tracking of synchronization identified by provided synchronization id. The next synchronization process specified with this id will not be able to detect resources that should be removed.

      synchronizationId - the synchronization id for which synchronization information should be removed
    • evictSynchronizationCache

      void evictSynchronizationCache(String synchronizationId)
      Removes all cache entries corresponding to provided synchronization id.
      synchronizationId - the synchronization id for which cache entries should be cleaned