Interface ClassificationMatchApi

public interface ClassificationMatchApi
  • Method Details

    • addClassificationMatch

      ClassificationMatch addClassificationMatch(AddClassificationMatchRequest request)
      Add the ClassificationMatch for given asset and classification.
      request - request specifying classification match to be added
      added classification match with given asset and classification
    • addClassificationMatches

      List<ClassificationMatch> addClassificationMatches(AddClassificationMatchesRequest request)
      Add the list of ClassificationMatch for given asset and a list of the classifications.
      request - request specifying classification matches to be added
      added classification matches with given asset and classifications
    • findClassificationMatches

      PagedResponse<ClassificationMatch> findClassificationMatches(FindClassificationMatchesRequest request)
      Finds all the ClassificationMatch matching given search criteria.
      request - search criteria specifying what classification matches to search for
      classification matches matching given criteria
    • changeClassificationMatch

      ClassificationMatch changeClassificationMatch(ChangeClassificationMatchRequest request)
      Allows to change status of classification match. Only two statuses are allowed to be changed to : ACCEPTED and REJECTED. REJECTED matches are no longer visible on asset page and can't be searched by.
      request - request specifying classification match and changes that should be performed on it
      updated classification match
    • changeClassificationMatches

      List<ClassificationMatch> changeClassificationMatches(List<ChangeClassificationMatchRequest> requests)
      Allows to change statuses of classification matches. Only two statuses are allowed to be changed to : ACCEPTED and REJECTED. REJECTED matches are no longer visible on asset page and can't be searched by.
      requests - requests specifying classification matches and changes that should be performed on them
      updated classification matches