Interface ClassificationApi

public interface ClassificationApi
  • Method Details

    • findClassifications

      PagedResponse<Classification> findClassifications(FindClassificationsRequest request)
      Finds all the Classifications matching given search criteria.
      request - search criteria specifying what classifications to search for
      classifications matching given criteria.
    • getClassification

      Classification getClassification(UUID classificationId)
      Finds the Classification with given id.
      classificationId - id of classification
      classification with given id.
    • addClassification

      Classification addClassification(AddClassificationRequest request)
      Adds new Classification.
      request - parameters to create new Classification
      newly created Classification
    • changeClassification

      Classification changeClassification(ChangeClassificationRequest request)
      Changes given Classification.
      request - parameters to change Classification
      changed Classification or null if couldn't fulfill the request
    • removeClassification

      void removeClassification(UUID classificationId)
      Removes Classification with given id.

      WARNING: This will also remove all ClassificationMatches that are joined with this Classification!

      classificationId - ID of Classification to remove
    • removeClassifications

      void removeClassifications(List<UUID> classificationsIds)
      Removes all Classifications with given ids.

      WARNING: This will also remove all ClassificationMatches that are joined with these Classifications!

      classificationsIds - IDs of Classifications to remove
    • classify

      Job classify(UUID id)
      Starts a job that classifies assets by external service based on sample data. The assets that can be classified must be of type : Column, Table, Schema or Data Set. In all cases columns are the ones being classified (all columns related to given assets).
      id - UUID of asset
      started job
    • classificationJob

      Job classificationJob(ClassifyRequest classifyRequest)
      Starts a job that classifies assets by external service based on sample data. The assets that can be classified must be of type : Column, Table, Schema or Data Set. In all cases columns are the ones being classified (all columns related to given assets).
      classifyRequest - request containing data of assets to classify
      classification job that is running the classification process.
      ApiIllegalArgumentException - when no assetIds provided
    • mergeClassifications

      List<ClassificationMatch> mergeClassifications(String targetClassificationName, List<UUID> classificationIds)
      Searches for all the relations between classifications mentioned in classificationIds and changes the assets to be related to targetClassification instead. After that, it removes all the classes from classificationIds list. Only UserDefinedClassifications can be part of classifications which are going to be merged. It is related to the fact that CollibrainClassification cannot be deleted.
      targetClassificationName - - the name of the target classification, which all the assets will be related to. If classification does not exist yet, it will be created. Can be either UserDefined or Collibrain.
      classificationIds - - the list of the classifications which will be merged into target classification and removed. Only UserDefined classifications are allowed.
      The list of all the ClassificationMatch objects which are assigned to the target classification of the merge.